Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Tears for someone I never knew

Today I found out that a fellow "nestie" as I so affectionately call them passed away during childbirth. Her name was Jewelyn and she and her husband Phillip were so excited on the birth of their first child, a girl. Jewelyn went into labor on Saturday and ended up needing an emergency c-section. She then suffered from an Amniotic Fluid Embolism and Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation. She passed away on Sunday at 11:30 am PST.

Jewelyn was a fellow nestie from California and was a frequent poster on many boards that I am part off. The Nest is a group of women who have always been there for me, we have planned our weddings together on The Knot and then all moved over to The Nest and discussed everything from husbands, family, jobs, and having children. The women on that board are some of the most wonderful caring people I have ever known.

Of course my nesties have amazed me once again and have already set up a fund for Jewelyn's husband Philip and baby Gabrielle. A PayPal account under the email address 4jewelyn@gmail.com has been set up. You can make a donation there. All proceeds will be donated to Philip Okamoto. I am sure any amount donated will be extremely helpful even if it's only a dollar. I have been informed that this money can be taxed so the girls are looking into setting up an official fund. I will update the blog with this information when I receive it.

This makes you stop and think how precious life is, hug your loved ones a little tighter tonight as we never know when our last day may be. My thoughts and prayers go out to Jewelyn's husband, and family, and especially her little girl. May God give you strength to get through this and bring you peace.

1 comment:

Miranda Klassen said...

I am so sorry to hear this tragic news. I am an AFE Survivor 4-9-08 and have established the AFE Foundation to help spur clinical research and offer support to families affected by AFE. I would love to learn more about the families needs and connect the Phillip with other fathers who have lost their wives to AFE.

Please email me directly at info@afesupport.org

I also live in San Diego and see a memorial fund was established in Encinitas, CA which is the city where I delivered. If there are family or friends, I would love to meet with them to help the healing process. This is devastating for ALL involved.

Miranda Klassen
AFE Foundation