Sunday, June 21, 2009

How to deal with the pain of infertility?

I don't think it ever goes away. Today I had to deal with 2 pregnancy announcements- and one of them them is twins, so to me that is 3 baby announcements. I get upset and cry, its just out of sadness for myself. I know it can be conceived as anger towards others. But really its just the sadness that I feel and the jealously that I have. It's the wish I were me mentality.

This is the single most difficult thing I have ever gone through. I really wish I could see the light at the end of the tunnel. But I have just have to keep pushing on- because if we don't there is no chance of getting pregnant. Of all the obstacles I thought I would have to deal with in my life this was not the one I would have thought of.

Please God, bring this journey of ours to an end-bring us our baby, we are waiting with open arms.

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