I have to admit that I was shocked over the comments that came in over my Sarah Jessica Parker blog. So in response to the first comment, NOT the second. I get to have my venting session and y'all get to listen.
Now I have been dealing with infertility with going on two years here and I have to admit I'm really freaking getting sick of it! I have had to celebrate my friends and my not so friends babies at showers more times then I would like to admit. I have had to act happy and smile when people announce their pregnancies even when I want to scream "you don't deserve to be a parent!" I have to go to birthday parties and watch others celebrate their children when it should be me, not them. I hate what this has done to me, I have never been a jealous person, but that is what infertility has turned me into.
And to comment on all the stupid ass advice people have given me over the months, and yes it's STUPID!! First off, relaxing is not going to bring me a baby, and yes I have tried putting a pillow under my butt after sex, I have taken my temperature, and had sex when I was ovulating, and no I don't just want to adopt, we have a freaking medical condition that is hindering our baby making abilities so BACK OFF! This advice has come from friends and family that I love dearly, but they don't have a freaking clue, so please people get a clue. Stop giving advice and just be supportive.
I also have heard it all when it comes to the fertility treatments. I know that fertility treatments are not explained correctly in the media or on TV, so unless you have been there and done that I do not expect you to understand them. But please understand that IVF is not just for rich people, yes it's expensive, but couples save for months, even years, to be able to afford it, because they want a baby. And IVF does not give you 9 kids, like octomom. Also, IUI does not always end like Jon and Kate plus 8- just FYI there are only 14 sets of living sextuplets in the US- that is not that many compared to how many couples go through IUI every year. The goal of fertility treatments is to have ONE baby, not a litter.
In regards to donor eggs and donor sperm, sometimes that is a couples only option- and it can be very helpful in some cases, where there is a medical problem with either the female or the male. In regards to surrogacy, women do not do it because they are vain or do not want to get fat- women suffering from infertility would give their right leg to be pregnant. But there are medical conditions, such as severe cases of endometriosis,, or uterine fibroid, or even a cancer that can make it so a woman cannot carry her own child. So please, if you have an opinion about infertility or fertility treatments and you have not walked in our shoes please do not try, be supportive and just be there for us and support us through all our trials and tribulations and be there to celebrate the new life that will eventually arrive.
So thanks for listening to my rant, but it's my blog and I can bitch if I want to.
9 years ago