Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Hopes, Thanks, and Prayers

Hi folks, John here. Another month and still not pregnant. I am guy and guys normally don't admit to this, but I do cry. I have cried so much lately. I don't think I've cried so much in my life. I really don't know where all the tears are coming from. I am just so disappointed. But I have everlasting hope and faith that God will allow us to have what a hearts truly desire...a baby.

I want to take a moment and thank my wife for riding this roller coaster with me. For all the doctor visits, shots, medication, and heartbreak she has had to endure. This one ride, unlike our favorite Big Thunder Mountain at Disneyland, isn't all that fun. But I will continue to ride this up and down crazy ride with you as long as it takes. Until the empty room in our house, which is patiently waiting, is filled with what we are longing for. I love you!

I also pray for Dr's Eva Littman and Sharon Roth. Who do everything in their medical power to help us reach our goal. I also pray for everyone who is going through the same thing we are. Your day will one day come too. I pray that one day all insurances will pay for infertility treatments and more medical break throughs will help couples who truly want to be parents one day become them.

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