Saturday, December 20, 2008

Infertility Myth #6

“I/we must have done something wrong to deserve this.”

It is natural to make a direct connection between our sinfulness and a terrible consequence in our lives. Repeatedly, the Bible warns us about the danger of making this connection because most often it is in error! In the days of the Old Testament, Job’s friends suggested that his troubles were caused by his sin, but they were wrong! In the New Testament the disciples of Jesus thought that a certain man’s blindness was caused by sin, but they were wrong too! (John 9:1-3 NIV).

For infertile couples, there is a great deal of encouragement in what the Bible says about Zechariah and Elizabeth, one of the many infertile couples in the Bible. Luke 1:6 informs us that the couple was upright in the sight of God, observing all the Lord’s commandments and regulations blamelessly.

I don't know how many times I have asked myself this very question. I have beat myself up trying to figure out what I have done wrong in my life to deserve this. I look at others who get pregnant so easily and try and figure out what they have done differently in their lives then me. I know that infertility is not a punishment, but I look at John and I and here we are a loving couple that has the ability to care for a child and lots of love to give. I do not know why this journey has been so difficult for us. I have found solace in thinking that this is the just the bad that we have to get through to get to the good, this journey will end at some point, we will not endure this forever.

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